The fact that I only have 3 days left and that this is the last time I'll be posting in Africa is literally blowing my mind right now. AH! I really just can't explain my emotions right now.
Well, first: The events of the week.
- Went to a SWEET bead market in Koforidua.
- Traded leftover clothes and items for souvenirs.
- Learned a cultural African Dance.
- Learned cultural African drumming.
- Went to "entertainment." AKA-the Senior High School drama production. The drama production included an intermission in which Suzy had to dance in front of the whole school.
- Got asked my 1000th question about Obama
- Got asked my 2000th question about Michael Jackson.
- Saw Rita Marleys recording studio and she has a little shop. Met a crazy rasta old woman who was incredible. SO funny.
- And lastly, I have the coolest job ever know..working in a school for the deaf! :) LOVE LOVE LOVE
So I guess I'll end the journey with some final thoughts...seems kinda sad, but oddly appropriate.
I don't think I changed the world. No lives saved. No incredible acts. I do however, feel truly blessed and humbled by this opportunity. I've been lucky enough to spend the last 2 months in the presence of and in the service of, some of the most precious souls on earth.
"It is what you make it." I haven't always loved that phrase and I guess I haven't always fully understood that phrase...but now I feel I have learned more about it and learned to appreciate that statement much more. I guess part of why I questioned it was because there are some circumstances that you have no control over. But now I know that even with these uncontrollable circumstances, you really do, "make it" yourself.
Most people here having nothing. Some people let that affect their person, their acts, words, and deeds toward pessimism. But for every one of those people, I have also met a person with a dazzling smile; kindess, hope, and optimism beyond measure. People who love and serve their families and make their days great!
"It is what you make it." You can make the worst days, the worst circumstances, better. Your attitude is what you make it. Your outlook is what you make it. Your faith, hope, and charity is what you make it. Your life is what you make it.
"It is what you make it" - It really is.
Make today better. Make today great. Help someone. Devote yourself. Smile. Laugh. Work. Serve. Love others and show it. Make it happen. You can.
Doing nothing makes you feel sorry for yourself. Doing service makes you realize how much you have.
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